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Pharmacy Self-Service Kiosks

Pharmacies are busy and often high-stress environments, and often the most time-consuming tasks for pharmacists are ones that can be automated by an interactive self-service kiosk. The deployment of healthcare kiosk solutions allows pharmacists to focus on their most important responsibilities such as filing prescriptions and advising patients. Additionally, wait times are significantly reduced which enhances the patient experience.

pharmacy self-service kiosk

Optimise Customer Experience With The Self-Service Pharmacy Kiosks

Currently, pharmacists are having to be on top of a great number of tasks on a daily basis. From greeting the customers, assessing patients and offering healthcare advice, to answering phone calls, taking repeat prescription requests, verifying patients’ personal information and manning the tills for POS check-out services.

Many of these tasks can be automated by an interactive healthcare kiosk and therefore save the pharmacy time and money. By integrating a digital pharmacy kiosk where a customer can input their personal information and prescription information directly, the pharmacists can focus on the more pressing tasks, streamlining the process. This is also a bonus for customers as prices have been increasing due to pharmacy staff being unable to meet the demand.

How Self-Service Kiosks Can Be Utilised in Pharmacies


Just like a check-out in a supermarket, self-service kiosk solutions can own the

POS part of the user journey by offering an efficient and intuitive self-check-out service for the customer.

Ordering Repeat Prescriptions

Automated prescription payment kiosks can allow patients to access their order history and patient record to quickly order their repeat prescription, with absolutely no hassle.

Identity Verification

Pharmacy kiosks can be fitted with scanners that can recognise identification documents in order to verify patients for age restricted over-the-counter products, picking up prescriptions and ordering medications on the automated prescription kiosk screen.

Stock Control

Portable pharmacy kiosk solutions can be used by staff to manage and keep on top of prescription and stock levels.

pharmacist and patient in pharmacy

Pharmacy Kiosk Benefits for Patients

Patients benefit from reduced waiting times and shorter queues, personalised experience, autonomy over their medication, better assistance and care from pharmacists and quicker check-out.

There are many shoppers in healthcare settings that much prefer an interaction with a self-service kiosk than with a pharmacy staff member, thus making them feel more comfortable in the environment and are more likely to seek out care and help from a pharmacy when they need it.

Find out how our healthcare kiosks can be used at pharmacies with our range of custom self-service kiosks. Contact us today on 01202 892 863 (UK) or +1 877 450 2172 (US) for more information and to discuss your requirements. Alternatively, email [email protected].

Let’s get started. Choose an option.

Request a call with an account manager, make a general enquiry, or download our brochure for more information on our visitor management software. If you’d like to speak to us straight away, call UK: 01202 892863 or USA: +1 877 450 2172. We look forward to hearing from you!


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